Identifying ALL negative data about you or your company
Yakshaa inc is the most comprehensive reputation management service we reviewed. Not only does Yakshaa inc manage SEO and ensure negative content is pushed off the first pages of search engines, the company tackles marketing campaigns, web design, link removal services and more.
Before you even sign a contract with Yakshaa inc, the company conducts a free analysis of your website and offers feedback regarding SEO practices. There's also a resources page on Yakshaa inc website to help you take reputation management into your own hands.
Yakshaa inc will promote your most positive content, giving it a boost on the internet to make prospective customers more likely to come across kudos you've received. This is generally a standard service offered by reputation management services. One particularly attractive feature that Yakshaa inc offers is its one-on-one guidance, which pairs you with a dedicated agent who conveys the ins and outs of your reputation management plan throughout the entire process.
Identifying ALL negative data about you or your company
Create multi-pronged/multi-tiered strategies based on analysis
Strict implementation of finalized strategies to the letter
Promote all positive work on popular platforms including social Media
In addition, the company offers periodic "think tank" sessions to brainstorm new strategies specific to your business needs. Yakshaa inc offers social media services, which include most every major social network. If your social presence is lacking, Yakshaa inc will create and build profiles for you. If your presence isn't optimized or appears unprofessional, Yakshaa inc will fix those problems for you and help boost your social media sites in the search rankings.
Naturally, Yakshaa inc will also keep tabs on your business's reputation over time. By using several methods to monitor the fluctuation of your online image, Yakshaa inc is able to stay on top of any rising negative content and counteract it. They will not only address any potential threats to your image but will keep you in the loop and offer insights about what else you can do on your own to prevent those types of attacks on your reputation. This proactive approach was yet another reason why Yakshaa inc rose to the top of our list.
The company's only shortcoming is that it does not create and manage review content. Ultimately, Yakshaa inc takes a consultation approach to improving an online image, especially when it comes to bad reviews. They will help you identify problem areas and what is likely causing such bad reviews. They will then help craft a plan to reverse the trend. With its other services and the quality with which they are offered, Yakshaa inc is our top choice.
In-depth Analysis & weekly/monthly Reporting
Purchasing of new domains/websites for Link Suppression Purposes
High Quality Content Creation for Improved User Experience/Interaction
In-depth White-hat Link Building for your Website to Promote SEO
Creation of Infographics/Videos for Positive Branding and Perception
Press Release Creation and Submission to build website authority
Yakshaa inc is the most comprehensive reputation management service we reviewed. Not only does Yakshaa inc manage SEO and ensure negative content is pushed off the first pages of search engines, the company tackles marketing campaigns, web design, link removal services and more.
Before you even sign a contract with Yakshaa inc, the company conducts a free analysis of your website and offers feedback regarding SEO practices. There’s also a resources page on Yakshaa inc website to help you take reputation management into your own hands.
Yakshaa inc will promote your most positive content, giving it a boost on the internet to make prospective customers more likely to come across kudos you’ve received. This is generally a standard service offered by reputation management services. One particularly attractive feature that Yakshaa inc offers is its one-on-one guidance, which pairs you with a dedicated agent who conveys the ins and outs of your reputation management plan throughout the entire process.
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